Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File



Microsoft Teams Class Time Table excel file

The Gujarat government has asked to take virtual classes in every primary school. In Std 3 to 5 and Std 6 to 8, every teacher has to take online classes. In standard 3 to 5 two hours a day and in standard 6 to 8 three hours a day. 

Each team has an excel file on how to create their own time sheet through Microsoft Teams. With this file you can easily create your plan. 

Download standard 3 to 5 Virtual Class Time table.

Download Standard 6 to 8 Virtual Vlass Time Table.

The approach of the State Government Education Department has taken many initiatives and efforts to ensure that not a single student is deprived of education during the Kovid epidemic. As part of which, school teachers use Microsoft Teans to create virtual classes for their children. User accounts have been created for all children and teachers studying in government and grant aided schools from 9th to 12th.

Currently only a few teachers are using Microsoft Team to teach children. From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true potential of teachers comes in. Teachers use their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc., using the IT materials available in the school.

Holds classes. You are also expected to join from the district level in a few years.

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual

Class Time Table in Excel File

You are well aware that in all schools, teaching through Microsoft Teams virtual classes, the education of children in schools has become irregular in the time of Covid-19. Teachers in your district go to school and learn at home from all kids without a device in their own way. According to the instructions, Daily also informs parents about learning at home.

Std - 3 To 5 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File
Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table

In addition to std. 9-10 and std. Live webcasts are also taking place via YouTube, Facebook, Microsoft Teams and Geo TV under Gujarat Virtual School for 11-12.

Also through the whole education if students have the device at home learning? A survey was conducted to find out and it was found that a large 40% of students in the state are using digital devices. The focus of the state government department of education has taken many initiatives and efforts to ensure that not a single student is deprived of education during the Covid epidemic.

Download Microsoft Teams Time Table for STD - 3 To 5

As part of this, Microsoft has created a user account for all children and teachers studying throughout the Std government and charter schools.

Microsoft Teams ni Samaj

It turns out that only a few teachers are currently teaching kids how to use Microsoft Teams. From now on, you are expected to lead a virtual class through Microsoft Teams, using the appropriate IT materials available at the school and, if necessary, teachers using their own devices such as mobiles, tablets, laptops, etc. . They are also expected to join certain categories at the district level.

Download Microsoft Teams Time Table for STD - 6 To 8

Currently, the office has provided the necessary guidance and training to teachers through the Microsoft Teams online platform to teach students from the virtual classroom at home in order not to spoil the teaching work of students in the situation arising from COVID19. To do this, the Microsoft Teams user ID and password required for teachers and students are provided here.

How to Login in Microsoft Teams, watch this video given below.

Therefore, all the schools in your district under the "Gyan Kunj project" have installed Microsoft Teams on the laptops assigned under Gyan Kunj and used the interactive whiteboard configuration. Note: MHRD, Government of India PRAGYA Online Learning Guide for Std-1 to 8, based on the duration of student-led online learning, one hour 30-45 minutes in a maximum of two hours of learning in line.

Considering all these facts, the Government was considering the question of organizing exams for Gujarat state colleges / universities and starting the admissions process and academic work for the upcoming 2020-21 academic year.

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File

At the end of careful consideration, the following instructions are decided to organize the exams for the state college / university and begin the admissions process and academic work for the upcoming 2020-21 academic year.

The terminal / semester / year end exams in UG courses / programs as per UGC guidelines must be taken as of 06/25/2020, as well as the first year of PG courses / programs and the terminal / Last semester / year must be taken as of 06/25/2020.

Guidelines for the use of masks, social distancing, and disinfectants should be strictly followed during these exams. The duration of the exam should be two hours instead of three hours. And you will have to take the exam in multiple shifts if necessary.

Taluka / local level exam centers should be established to conduct the exam. In the event that the COVIP-19 epidemic situation is not normal and the social distance guidelines cannot be followed, a 50% score will be awarded to the Intermediate Semester 2,4,6 students based on internal evaluation and the The remaining 50% grades will be awarded immediately based on the previous semester.

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File

Std - 3 To 8 Microsoft Team Virtual Class Time Table in Excel File Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PRAVIN VANKAR