Gunotsav 8 CRC Report Card @ .

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Gunotsav 8 CRC Report Card @ .

As a part of the Government of Gujarat’s initiative to ensure quality education of students in Government schools and to increase awareness for quality in the education community, the government carries out ‘Gunotsav’ a quality improvement programme in which students are assessed every year since 2009. S, EI has been involved in supporting the existing Gunotsav programme for 33,900 primary schools in Gujarat. The programme has also been extended to cover all Secondary schools. in 2017 Year Gunotsav 7 will be hedl on date 1,2,3 December 2017 for Primary Schools in gujarat .For the project, EI develops questions and analyse the data for Gunotsav assessment by teachers (school self assessment) and by officers (officer carried out assessment). In addition, detailed diagnostic assessment of learning levels are carried out on a sample basis by trained evaluators All districts for classes 3, 5, 7 and 9, in order to gather scientifically validated learning achievement data. Research into student misconceptions are done through student interviews .Schools undergoing remedial program across the state are monitored by EI trainers on a sample basis to check their efficacy. A series of capacity building workshops for state and district personnel to develop latest skills in building and using student assessments, post analysis and dissemination workshops for teachers to understand the insights from the data and incorporate the information in classroom practices are part of the project.

Gunotsav 8 CRC Report Card.

How to Download CRC gunotsav report card 2018 : 

first open Official gunotsav site

Then Click on Officer corner option click here

then Enter your ID and password

ID= crc dies code   Like   c24110xxxxx

Password :  your set password (By default password  gun789)

Then YOu cna Login in your crc Account

Then Download your crc report card.

Click here to view

Gunotsav 8 CRC Report Card @ . Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PRAVIN VANKAR